Vinyl / 12" Album
Original Score
1. Main Title
2. The Base at the North Pole
3. Activating Mechani-Kong I
4. Activating Mechani-Kong II
5. Mondo Island
6. King Kong Appears
7. King Kong Vs. Gorosaurus I
8. King Kong Vs. Gorosaurus II
9. Kong and Susan I
10. The Explorer Returns
11. Operation Capture King Kong I
12. Operation Capture King Kong II
13. Kong at the North Pole
14. Kong's Chance Encounter
15. Hypnosis Machine
16. Element X
17. Awakening of Kong
18. King Kong Escapes I
19. King Kong Escapes II
20. Kong in Tokyo
21. Kong and Susan II
22. Mechani-Kong Appears
23. Kong Showdown
24. Confrontation at Tokyo Tower I
25. Confrontation at Tokyo Tower II