Exactly seventy-seven years to the day since its first flight, the Breitling DC-3 left for a unique journey right around the planet. Between March and September 2017 the DC-3 HB-IRJ undertook a great world tour in stages punctuated with various events and participations in airshows; a new accomplishment for this legendary airplane that has marked the history of aviation forever. One of the main goals of the Breitling DC-3 World Tour and pilot-owner Francisco Agullo and his team was to promote the aviation heritage and inspire future generations. That's also the reason why the highlights of this epic journey have been captured in stunning images by world-renowned aviation photographer Katsuhiko Tokunaga. A fine selection of these superb photographs have been included in this book, with commentary by the protagonists of this incredible adventure.
Photographs by: Katsuhiko Tokunaga