Terminal Romance - stories
Call it love, lust or intimacy: behind every computer screen, behind every firewall is a heart, and in that heart sits the seed of something that needs nurturing. In Niki Aguirre's Terminal Romance that yearning manifests in 16 interlinked meta vignettes populated by incorrigible romantics, cyber stalkers, foot fetishists, love-struck professors and reality-impaired pessimists. Anchored by the story of Nina Parks, an ambitious writer and self-styled internet-dating guru, who has signed up to go on 365 dates to promote her new book The Ultimate Guide to Finding Love Online, these misfits collide to serve up haunting, hilarious dating dramas. Niki Aguirre's remarkable eye and unwavering prose imbue each character with compelling humanity, illustrating with poetic subtlety our innate need to reach out and connect at all costs.