New Gamification, Social CRM (SCRM), and Social Loyalty techniques can help you drive breakthrough levels of customer loyalty, engagement, and lifetime user value. These "Influence Marketing" techniques create massive new marketing opportunities -- and this is the first book that shows you how to execute on these powerful Influence Marketing opportunities. Gamification pioneer Adena DeMonte covers everything you need to know, addressing business, marketing, social, psychological, and technological issues, and much more, She demonstrating how to use these techniques to drive remarkable marketing performance improvements, presenting examples of real programs that have achieved gains of up to 150% in in retail, media, education, health, travel, and other industries. Influence Marketing begins by explaining why social games like Farmville work so well, and how their techniques can be translated to business marketing. Next, DeMonte shows how to design behaviors to achieve specific business goals, communicate specific brand messages, and motivate specific, highly-profitable customer actions. You'll learn how to use engagement analytics to measure and improve ROI, and how to overcome the current limitations of gamification on Facebook and other social media platforms. DeMonte also presents head-on answers to the five key objections to gamification, and offers expert guidance on gaining executive buy-in for your own program. For every marketing and social media decision-maker and practitioner.