Noor lives in a country near the Arabian (Persian) Gulf. She's looking forward to the festival known as Girgian that comes in the middle of the holy month of Ramadan. These middle days are known as 'the three whites', because they include the day of the full moon and day before and after. It's when children, dressed in traditional clothes, go from house to house collecting treats from their neighbors. From the moment that Noor sees the full moon rising, signalling the coming of Girgian, she and her brothers, Dan and Sam, prepare for the fun.Dan swings his special Ramadan lantern, singing, 'Girgian! O Girgian! Candy! O Candy!' Sam bangs on his drum. Noor tries on her fancy dress. Together, Noor and her brothers decorate the bags they will carry to collect the candies. But along with the fun, Noor remembers the true meaning of Ramadan: spending time with family and sharing with those less fortunate. Maha Addasi's bright and happy story, richly illustrated by Ned Gannon, captures the merriment of a festive holiday and the greatest joy of all - the joy of giving.
Illustrated by: Ned Gannon