This book is all about Love; it's not about love. Well, you may say, is there a difference? There is and it took me a very long time to learn this. The first one, spelled here with a capital "L" can help you obtain whatever may be missing in your life, as you will see in these pages. A number of others who initially were skeptical discovered this.The second version, spelled in the ordinary way, is that affection we profess for others, as when we say, "Honey, you know I love you!" or "Hey, I love you guys." Nothing wrong with that and it may prompt others to regard us more favorably.But real Love, the one we are intended to share with all others, is actually more than an emotion; it is an energy, not unlike the energy of gravity. As is true of gravity, Love is essential in our life. If regularly accepted and employed by us, Love will attain for us the success and happiness we all desire. All of the cases cited in this book reveal this.It matters not where Love must go to reach another and if the other person is or persons are, essential to solving a problem we before we can attain that happiness, Love will seek out that person and arrange the solution we desire, provided Love is shared in the process.Early in 1989 I already had spent a number of years in the business world where any sense of fulfillment in life continued to elude me. Then, I was led me to a meeting with a kindly, Loving man who had been teaching this message for many years. When I corrected a certain erroneous view found in that message, accepted Love and employed the message in my daily life, it brought me a happiness and sense of purpose, neither of which could ever be disturbed or limited.In the cases cited here, all are true except in some the names of the persons involved have been changed to preserve their right to privacy.