In this brilliant and original book, Sofia Adamova makes you see the world in a different way, shares her inspirational formula of faith and optimism. * Would you like to know how exactly to achieve your goals and fulfil your wildest dreams? * Would you like to get out of the ratrace and transform your life? * To take yourself to the places you have never been before? * To have an experience that will intensify your life forever? * To expand your mind, to learn tools and strategies that will ensure there's nothing that can stop you from getting anywhere you ever wanted in life? * To find your treasure and your purpose in life? "Just imagine that we all have this little chest inside us with different codes. In our hectic lives we sometimes forget about its existence. That is when we start being unhappy, lose control over our own lives, get confused and feel that we are going in the wrong direction. All we need to do is to open the chest and reprogram it, set our goal, and design the future we desire most. Because the way our life is now, is the very way we programmed our tiny treasure chest some time ago." "Fascinating reading, refreshingly simple in its approach, but opening your mind to eternal things" Bob Patmore, public speaker, author of "Perfect Vision"