This book reviews the fundamentals of this local climatic phenomenon as a gateway to solving the challenging problems of rapid urbanization in the face of climate change. This work uses the dimensions and principles of urban planning and design, and landscape architecture in conjunction with the competence of environmental design to reduce the impact of this phenomenon. The book focuses on five SDGs to explain the problems that urban residents suffer because of high temperatures or the formation of heat islands. These selected SDGs are Goals 1, 3, 8, 11, and 13. Some of which can be limited to affecting the health status, productive capacity, social and economic well-being, and the feeling of distress and aggressive behavior.
This book focuses on five SDGs: poverty (Goal 1), public health and well-being (Goal 3), decent work and economic growth (Goal 8), sustainable cities and societies (Goal 11), and climate action (Goal 13). These goals are associated with the increasing UHI phenomenon that accompanies rapid urbanization, which has changed the way of life of many countries worldwide. Thus, this book aims to reach sustainable cities and societies that do not suffer from poverty and disease due to climatic change and where decent work and social and economic well-being is achieved.
The prime audience includes experts working in architecture, site planning and design, urban planning and design, landscape architecture, sustainable urban design, and environmental design. In addition, the book focuses on researchers, academics, practitioners, and urban governance, developers, and policymakers. Significantly, the target audience can get more insights into using new paradigms, methods, techniques, modelings, and research applications.