This new book in the advances in material systems for application in medicine and biology entitled: Micro and Nanosystem for Biotechnology will address the novel application of micro and nanosystems in biological research, diagnostics and therapeutics. Speci?cally the book will address research aspects related to material in imaging and biological research, nano materials as a bio-sensing tool, oligonucleotides and biopolymer as nano building blocks, nano materials for drug delivery, medicinal and therapeutic application and cyto-toxicity of nano-materials. The detailed discussion in the book intends to present speci? cally biological, diagnostic and medical problems with their potential solution by nano technology or materials. For example in the diagnostics and imaging ?eld the will discuss the contribution of q-dots as imaging tools, ?uorescent labels, their application as donor in FRET pair and more. Gold nanoparticles will be presented as SERS and electrochemical enhancers. In the therapeutic ?eld the book will present the biomimic reconstituted high density lipoprotein nanosystem for enhanced vegf gene therapy of myocardial ischemia. The subject of forming functional nano structures from biological building block, as engineered nanomedicine with alendronic acid corona improves targeting to osteosarcoma. This will be shown as building block for molecular machines, functional networks or unique origami structures. In these subjects this volume is expanding the possible application of micro and nano systems in the major ?eld of medicine and biology. In this respect this book is unique, since it would arise from the biological problems to the systems possible solution and not vice versa.