Keyboard Jihad is an attempt to rectify some of the misperceptions and misrepresentations of Islam and Muslims that resulted from the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. This book is a collection of original essays that were written over the years by Abdul Karim Bangura. These essays were not compiled to defend Islam-a deen, meaning in Arabic a complete way of life. Rather, Keyboard Jihad seeks to dispel common misperceptions and misrepresentations of Islam that can lead to prejudice and racism.
The essays in Keyboard Jihad cover a variety of Islamic topics:
Misused and/or Misrepresented Islamic Concepts that Can Impede Peacebuilding and Interfaith Dialogue
Islam and Just War Theory
Islamic Precepts on Gender Relations
Islam on the Internet
HIV/AIDS in Africa: Majority Muslim versus Non-Muslim Societies
Challenges and Opportunities of Integrating New Muslim Immigrants into American Society
Competing Approaches for Shaping the Iraqi Society
The Debate on Arab Racism against Africans