This, the third book in the Fractal Complexity in the Works of Major Black Thinkers series, examines the contributions of African thinkers to epistemology and affirms that African-centered thought processes are systematic.
Framed by an original introduction and conclusion, the selected readings draw upon notable thinkers, including Martin Luther King, Jr., Carter G. Woodson, Naguib Mahfouz, Angela Davis, and Toyin Falola, to explore the role of the African Union in promoting peace, the nexus between African languages and mathematics, and philosophies born of human struggle. Readers will also consider corruption in Africa, the impact of activist Angela Davis, and the importance of race itself.
The book takes into account multiple disciplines to provide a rich diversity of perspectives on critical issues. Fractal Complexity in the Works of Major Black Thinkers, Volume 3 is well-suited to courses in African and African American studies, and Black studies.