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1,000 Q&As provide all the preparation needed to ace the pain medicine board exams and anesthesiology recertification! "There are other pain review books available...but none as useful as this book is in preparing readers for the pain boards. 3 Stars."—Doody's Review Service (reviewing previous edition)
McGraw-Hill Specialty Board Review: Pain Medicine, Second Edition is the perfect way to prepare for the American Board of Anesthesiology exam as well as exams given by the American Board of Pain Medicine and the American Academy of Pain Medicine. It's also great for recertification! Readers will find everything they need in one comprehensive review . . . questions, answers, explanations, practice tests, and references.
- 1,000 questions and answers with detailed explanations for correct and incorrect answers
- The number of questions per topic reflects the make-up of the actual exam -- so readers know they're putting the most amount of study time into what's most important
- Answers are referenced to major pain medicine texts
- Questions duplicate the style and format of the ABA exam