CD / Album
Original Score
1. Tiba Solo - Into - Comedy Tonight
2. Search for Mare's Sweat
3. Lovely
4. Tintinabula's Dance
5. Vibrata's Dance
6. Roman Emissary
7. Everybody Ought to Have a Maid
8. Riot at the Funeral
9. Domina Returns (Fanfare) - Into - My Bride
10. Erronious Return/Orgy Music - Roman Style
11. Lovely (Reprise)
12. In the Arena
13. The Dirge
14. The Rescue of Philia - Into - The Chase
15. Comedy Tonight and Playout
16. 2M4
17. 2M5
18. 3M3
19. 4M1
20. 5M1
21. 5M2
22. 6M1
23. 6M3
24. 6M4
25. 7M1
26. 7M2
27. 7M3
28. 7M4
29. 7M7
30. 8M1
31. 10M1
32. 10M2
33. 11M2
34. Comedy Tonight (Instrumental)
35. Lovely (Instrumental)
36. My Bride (Instrumental)
37. Everybody Ought to Have a Maid (Instrumental)
38. Fanfares