The theme of the sixth Nordic drama boreale conference uses journey as a metaphor for life span. The metaphor is used in order to illuminate and describe experiental learning in educational drama and theatre in a life-long perspective. As guiding principles for the preparation of the conference we have used the concept eco-pedagogical thinking and artistic learning processes as possible key elements in the education of tomorrow. In this anthology with 12 selected conference proceedings the diversity of research within drama and theatre education within a Nordic framework is exposed. To develop research and knowledge about educational drama and theatre can be considered a Ulyssean encounter: necessary to undertake, a huge task, a task that can only be accomplished if we make joint efforts in order to articulate and explore the knowledge potential in the art form about the human conditions. Art and science share a fundamental challenge: in both, you must concentrate on imagining something that does not yet exist, because it is the art expressions or the result of the scientific effort that makes the not hitherto seen visible. Educators in the field of drama and theatre education participate in a dialogue about values in arts education through research and development aiming at producing knowledge. This report intends to be part of that dialogue.