dOCUMENTA (13)'s first artist book records the first stage of a project by Guillermo Faivovich (*1977 in Buenos Aires) and Nicolas Goldberg (*1978 in Paris). Since 2006, the artists have been researching Campo del Cielo, field of impact of a meteorite shower that occurred in northern Argentina four thousand years ago. El Taco, one of those meteorites, was divided in half in an intricate procedure at the Max Planck Institute in Mainz, Germany-halves which have since been located in Washington D.C.'s Smithsonian Institution and Buenos Aires's planetarium.The two parts of El Taco will be reunited for the first time at an exhibition at Portikus, a step in their journey toward dOCUMENTA (13), where a future stage of the project A Guide to Campo del Cielo will take place in 2012. This publication documents the meteorite's long story, which involves the artists approach to bibliographical inquiry, archival research, and oral history through interacting with people who have been engaged in the region's history and worldwide fieldwork. Exhibition schedule: Portikus, Frankfurt am Main, September 25-November 14, 2010
Text by: Tim McCoy, Hernan Pruden, Jutta Zipfel