Experience the true magic of Christmas with our sheet music book "45 Christmas Carol Classics for Piano". Immerse yourself in the festive atmosphere of the scent of cookies, candlelight and the sound of Christmas carols that have accompanied us since childhood.
This sheet music booklet offers you an inexpensive way to play 45 popular Christmas songs quickly and easily on the piano or keyboard. The focus here is not on perfection, but on the fun of making music and the joy of expanding your repertoire. After all, nobody wants to play Christmas songs all year round.
The arrangements are easy to set and clearly laid out so that you can easily grasp the notes. Even if you have only had 1–2 years of piano or keyboard lessons, you will be able to play many songs without any problems. Harmony symbols and fingerings are included for quick orientation. This means you can also play the arrangements on keyboards with automatic accompaniment and even accompany yourself with guitar or ukulele.
And the best thing about it? You can listen to the music in this music book at any time! Simply search for the album or playlist "45 Christmas Carol Classics for Piano" on your favorite streaming platforms such as Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon or Deezer. So you can enjoy the melodies in advance and get inspired.
Imagine filling the hearts of your loved ones with wonderful music at Christmas. Order your copy of the sheet music book "45 Christmas Carol Classics for Piano" today and make the Christmas season even more magical with your musical accompaniment!
Christmas and music go together – make your celebration unforgettable.
Alle Jahre wieder
Am Weihnachtsbaume die Lichter brennen
Auf, Christen, singt festliche Lieder
Away In A Manger (Kirkpatrick)
Away In A Manger (Mueller)
Deck The Halls
Der Christbaum ist der schönste Baum
Engel auf den Feldern singen (Gloria in excelsis Deo)
Es ist ein Ros' entsprungen
Es ist für uns eine Zeit angekommen
Es kommt ein Schiff geladen
Es wird scho glei dumpa
Freu' dich, Erd' und Sternenzelt
Fröhliche Weihnacht überall
Go Tell It On The Mountain
Ich steh an deiner Krippen hier
Ihr Kinderlein, kommet
Ihr Hirten erwacht
In dulci jubilo
Jingle Bells
Joseph, lieber Joseph mein
Joy To The World
Kling, Glöckchen
Kommet, ihr Hirten
Lasst uns das Kindlein wiegen
Lasst uns froh und munter sein
Leise rieselt der Schnee
Macht hoch die Tür
Maria durch ein Dornwald ging
Menschen, die ihr wart verloren
Morgen, Kinder, wird's was geben
Morgen kommt der Weihnachtsmann
O du fröhliche
O Tannenbaum
Schneeflöckchen, Weißröckchen
Still, still, still
Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht
Süßer die Glocken nie klingen
The First Nowell
Tochter Zion
Vom Himmel hoch, da komm ich her
Was soll das bedeuten
We Wish You A Merry Christmas
Zu Bethlehem geboren