The federal government regulates the care of the environment more heavily than anything else, and we have all 31 volumes of the Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) to prove it. This three-book kit provides you with easy-to-read resources for understanding the major elements of the environmental laws and for navigating the compliance requirements contained in the CFRs. The kit includes industry-favorite Environmental Law Handbook, Nineteenth Edition, written by 15 nationally known law firms, The ABCs of Environmental Regulation, Second Edition, by Joel Goldsteen, and Environmental Compliance Made Easy, Second Edition, by Andre Cooper, Sr. With these three books at your disposal, you'll find the practical legal insight into the 14 major environmental, health and safety laws you need to get a "big picture" view of the laws, the smart summaries you can refer to easily for a quick refresher on particular subject areas, and the detailed explanations of key requirements, responsibilities of regulated parties, and compliance and auditing processes you need to zoom in on when focusing on your obligations.