short summary of what is going on. In the almost 20 years since its first appearance, Capil Writing a monograph like this is a lot of work, even more lary Electrophoresis (CE) has become a standard analy than I anticipated. Luckily, I could fall back on the tical separation technique in many laboratories. CE is theoretical and practical experience with CE obtained in now used routinely in applications ranging from in our laboratory over the past years. Therefore, I am in organic ion determinations to genetic analysis. After the depted to all who contributed to this experience. In the first development studies in R&D groups in the first 10 first place my (former) colleagues Hans Poppe and Jo years, and the breakthrough of commercial instruments han Kraak should be mentioned. They started the CE in the second decade, CE has now become a member of work in Amsterdam and teached me a lesson or two the establishment of analytical techniques. This seemed about it later. Together we formed maybe not the most a good moment to summarize the instrumental possibi famous but certainly the best-spirited CE research group lities of the technique, its accomplishments and weak in the world. Thanks are also due to the hard-working lab points. The result of this thought is in front of you.