the guide works. Let it work for you Opportunities are all around us, yet conditioned by our past and held back by the acceptance of an unfulfilling future, they often pass us by. the guide delivers a simple tried and tested, step by step approach on how to free ourselves from an unfulfilling past and achieve everything we've ever wanted. Written by Dr William Holden, Chairman of internationally acclaimed specialists in behavioural transformation, Sewells, the guide is a new work of extraordinary power and simplicity delivering achievable life changing lessons on every page. the guide is delivered via a series of lessons that Maya instills in her lifelong friend, Paul. Like Maya before she transformed her life, Paul's existence on earth seems to be a daily struggle of financial, work and personal worries, dogged by the search for something meaningful. Maya explains to Paul how to take control of life and change. She explains that we are all a product of our own conditioning, beliefs, attitudes, feelings, emotions and behaviours the guide, unlike other books of this genre, explains not just what we should do to improve our lives, but also why and how it works.
It is not enough for example, to develop a positive attitude about the future; we must also develop a positive attitude about our past - and take positive action. If you want to choose a day to change your life for the better, make that day today; the day you begin reading - and acting on - the guide.