Kenneth Ryan; Nafees Ahmad; J. Andrew Alspaugh; W. Lawrence Drew; Michael Lagunoff; Paul Pottinger; L. Barth Reller; Rell McGraw Hill / Medical (2018) Pehmeäkantinen kirja
Kenneth Ryan; Nafees Ahmad; J. Andrew Alspaugh; W. Lawrence Drew; Michael Lagunoff; Paul Pottinger; L. Barth Reller; Rell McGraw-Hill Education (2022) Pehmeäkantinen kirja
Andrew K. Trull; Lawrence M. Demers; David W. Holt; Atholl Johnston; J. Michael Tredger; Christopher P. Price Cambridge University Press (2008) Pehmeäkantinen kirja
Andrew K. Trull; Lawrence M. Demers; David W. Holt; Atholl Johnston; J. Michael Tredger; Christopher P. Price Cambridge University Press (2002) Kovakantinen kirja
Rebecca A. Schwartz-mette; Hannah R. Lawrence; Douglas W. Nangle; Cynthia A. Erdley; Laura A. Andrews MP-MMN Momentum Press (2016) Pehmeäkantinen kirja
No other text clarifies the link between microbiology and human disease states like Sherris Medical Microbiology
A Doody's Core Title for 2011!
4 STAR DOODY'S REVIEW! "This will continue to be a popular textbook, primarily due to the well-designed figures and pictures in all chapters. It is one of the better textbooks I have seen for teaching the basics of medical microbiology."--Doody's Review Service
For more than a quarter-of-a-century Sherris has been unmatched in its ability to help you understand the nature of microorganisms and their role in the maintenance of health or causation of disease. Through a dynamic, engaging approach, this classic text gives you a solid grasp of the significance of etiologic agents, the pathogenic processes, epidemiology, and the basis of therapy for infectious diseases.
The fifth edition has been completely revised to reflect this rapidly-moving field’s latest developments and includes a host of learning aids including clinical cases, USMLE-type questions, marginal notes, and extensive new full-color art.
66 chapters that simply and clearly describe the strains of viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites that can bring about infectious diseases
Core sections on viral, bacterial, fungal, and parasitic diseases open with new chapters detailing basic biology, pathogenesis, and antimicrobial agents and feature a consistent presentation covering Organism (structure, replication, genetics, etc.), Disease (epidemiology, pathogenesis, immunity), and Clinical Aspects (manifestations, diagnosis, treatment, prevention)
Explanations of host-parasite relationship, dynamics of infection, and host response
USMLE-style questions and a clinical case conclude each chapter on the major viral, bacterial, fungal, and parasitic diseases
All tables, photographs, and illustrations are now in full color
Clinical Capsules cover the essence of the disease(s) caused by major pathogens
Marginal Notes highlight key points within a paragraph to facilitate review