A unique text to the field, Doing Ethics in Child and Youth Care serves as an essential introductory guide to ethical practice across a range of child and youth care settings within North America. In addition to providing an overview of the Standards for Practice of North American Child and Youth Care Professionals, with the full version included in an appendix, the text offers a practical and engaging introduction and explores the theoretical under-pinnings and field-specific application of ethics.Organized into three parts, this volume begins by introducing the code of ethics for child and youth care professionals in North America as well as the ethical theories and the foundational skills to "do ethics," including cultural humility, reflexivity, and ethical problem solving. The second part moves on to orient readers to a broad range of considerations for adopting an ethical stance, such as boundary management, responsibilities to the profession, community development and youth participation, and Indigenous perspectives on child and youth care ethics. Part three features some of the different settings in which child and youth care is practised in North America, such as substitute care, family work, intervention in schools, social media, research, and ethics training and supervision, and examines the unique ethical challenges in each of these settings.
With contributions from leading child and youth care scholars in Canada and the United States, this is a must-read for students and professional training programs in child and youth care, child and youth studies, and youth work across North America.