UDU is the holy water of our earth, connecting us all together.
Our bodies are water vessels that carry the genetic codes of our ancestors. Folk song is a way to dive deeper into yourself, into your roots. What language does your soul sing? Musical group of two nations, uniting the musical heritage of Buryatia and Lithuania. Throat singing connected with the Baltic songs of pagan times, when man and nature were one.
Our goal is not to identify or show similarities and differences of our nations; rather, it is to share our music composed from the heart that is very dear to us. We often sit down and look for similarities in our cultures, stories or song texts, which grows the respect for all nations of the world in our hearts and brings our ancestors closer to each other. Since we met at one of the festivals in Kazachstan, “The Spirit of Tengri”, we have become a music family. We compose together, travel, eat, share stories, visit late into the night and use music to escape from negative experiences.