Rest Assured is a straightforward, plain language guide to something that will affect every one of us: the procedures that accompany death. Too often, the first time we find out about wills and funerals is when we are dealing with the death of a loved one. But whether we are dealing with such a death or arranging our own wills, we need clear and level-headed advice on what the issues and problems are. Many questions surround the process of making a will. Do we really need a lawyer? When is a will valid? What does an executor have to do? How do I make sure that my circumstances are addressed in a will? Similarly, the rituals and requirements surrounding funerals are often not fully understood. Is cremation or burial the most appropriate? What documentation is needed? This edition of Rest Assured is fully revised and up to date. Among the issues it addresses are: *changes to the law, including the recent Succession Act *what to consider when drawing up your will *how to change a will *how to make a power of attorney, or leave instructions if you are incapacitated *planning ahead including advance care directives *how to obtain probate *what to do if there is no will *how to arrange a funeral