Mitsuhisa Sato; Toshihiro Hanawa; Matthias S. Müller; Barbara Chapman; Bronis R. de Supinski Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG (2010) Pehmeäkantinen kirja
Hiroyuki Takizawa; Hong Shen; Toshihiro Hanawa; Jong Hyuk Park; Hui Tian; Ryusuke Egawa Springer International Publishing AG (2023) Pehmeäkantinen kirja
This book contains the proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on OpenMP held in Tsukuba City, Japan, in June 2010. The International Wo- shop on OpenMP is an annual series of workshops dedicated to the promotion andadvancementofallaspectsfocusing onparallelprogrammingwithOpenMP. OpenMP is now a major programming model for shared memory systems from multi-core machines to large-scale servers. Recently, new ideas and ch- lengeshavebeenproposedtoextendOpenMPframeworktosupportaccelerators and also to exploit other forms of parallelism beyond loop-level parallelism. The workshop serves as a forum to present the latest research ideas and results related to this shared memory programming model. It also o?ers the opportunity to interact with OpenMP users, developers and the people working on the next release of the speci?cation. In response to the Call-for-Papers for the technical program, the Program Committee received a total of 23 submissions from all over the world including Asia, USA and Europe, and all submissions were carefully refereed in a rigorous processwhichrequiredatleastthreereviewsforeachpaper,usingtheEasyChair conferencesystem.The?naldecisionswerecollectivelymadeinMarch2010. Due to time and space limitations for the workshop and proceedings, only 13 papers could be selected for presentation and inclusion in the proceedings. We believe we havechosen a diverse, high-quality set of papers, re?ecting a stimulating and enjoyable workshop. Finally, we would like to thank all authors, referees,and committee members for their outstanding contributions which have ensured a continuation of the high quality of IWOMP workshops.