Attention to corporate information has never been more important than now. The ability to generate accurate business intelligence, accurate financial reports and to understand your business relies on better processes and personal commitment to clean data. Every byte of data that resides inside your company, and some that resides outside its walls, has the potential to make you stronger by giving you the agility, speed and intelligence that none of your competitors yet have. Data governance is the term given to changing the hearts and minds of your company to see the value of such information quality. The Data Governance Imperative is a business person's view of data governance. This practical book covers both strategies and tactics around managing a data governance initiative. The author, Steve Sarsfield, works for a major enterprise software company and is a leading expert in data quality and data governance, focusing on the business perspectives that are important to data champions, front-office employees, and executives. Steve runs an award-winning and world-recognized blog called the Data Governance and Data Quality Insider, offering practical wisdom.