This new edition of the Psychotropic Drug Directory (now in its 27th year) continues its aim to provide for professional practicing clinicians a source of rapidly accessible information, advice and references on psychiatric drugs and to act as an aide memoire. The chapters include medicine treatment options for major mental health conditions; selecting medicines, doses and switching; psychotropics in problem areas; drug interactions; drug-induced psychiatric disorders; managing adverse reactions and finally miscellaneous information. The Psychotropic Drug Directory has been published regularly since 1993, during which time there have been 30 editions in three languages and over 504,000 copies sold worldwide. The now well-known format of information arranged in a problem-solving manner allows issues to be resolved quickly and easily. Over 12,000 key references are included for rapid identification of key papers for further research and clarification. The underlying aim of the book is to help encourage the positive, optimal and rational use of medicines to their best effect in order to improve the quality of life for people with mental health needs.