Elena Ciappi; Sergio De Rosa; Francesco Franco; Stephen A. Hambric; Randolph C. K. Leung; Vincent Clair; Laurent Maxit Springer Nature Switzerland AG (2022) Pehmeäkantinen kirja
Luís Filipe Rosário Lucas; Eduardo Antônio Barros da Silva; Sérgio Manuel Maciel de Faria; Nuno Miguel Morais Rodrigues; Lib Springer International Publishing AG (2017) Kovakantinen kirja
Elena Ciappi; Sergio De Rosa; Francesco Franco; Jean-Louis Guyader; Stephen A. Hambric; Randolph Chi Kin Leung; A Hanford Springer International Publishing AG (2018) Kovakantinen kirja
Luís Filipe Rosário Lucas; Eduardo Antônio Barros da Silva; Sérgio Manuel Maciel de Faria; Nuno Miguel Morais Rodrigues; Lib Springer International Publishing AG (2018) Pehmeäkantinen kirja
Elena Ciappi; Sergio De Rosa; Francesco Franco; Jean-Louis Guyader; Stephen A. Hambric; Randolph Chi Kin Leung; A Hanford Springer Nature Switzerland AG (2019) Pehmeäkantinen kirja
Elena Ciappi; Sergio De Rosa; Francesco Franco; Stephen A. Hambric; Randolph C. K. Leung; Vincent Clair; Laurent Maxit Springer Nature Switzerland AG (2021) Kovakantinen kirja
Albarosa Ines Bassani; Francesco Bianchi; Bruno Bignami; Sergio Bonato; Emanuele Cerutti; Luca De Clara; Matteo Ermacora Viella (2016) Pehmeäkantinen kirja
Paulo Sérgio Brito; João Rafael da Costa Sanches Galvão; Henrique Almeida; Liliana Catarina Rosa Ferreira; Alves Flores de O Springer International Publishing AG (2024) Kovakantinen kirja
This volume gathers the latest advances and innovations in the field of flow-induced vibration and noise, as presented by leading international researchers at the 3rd International Symposium on Flow Induced Noise and Vibration Issues and Aspects (FLINOVIA), which was held in Lyon, France, in September 2019. It explores topics such as turbulent boundary layer-induced vibration and noise, tonal noise, noise due to ingested turbulence, fluid-structure interaction problems, and noise control techniques. The authors’ backgrounds represent a mix of academia, government, and industry, and several papers include applications to important problems for underwater vehicles, aerospace structures and commercial transportation. The book offers a valuable reference guide for all those interested in measurement, modelling, simulation and reproduction of the flow excitation and flow induced structural response.