Popular TV Host Reveals How to Get Supernatural Help for Everyday Struggles
Many believers know in their heads that God cares about them. But it's hard to hold that truth in your heart when you're worn out and weary from the mundane, everyday battles and struggles--when you lose your temper again or give in to that persistent temptation or feel paralyzed by overwhelming circumstances.
The truth is that the Holy Spirit is right there--waiting for you to let him help. With warmth and encouragement, Sarah Bowling shows how he longs to be part of every situation you face in life, from the exciting, mountaintop experience to day-in, day-out hardships. She'll help you identify the daily challenges and problems and then match those up to the Holy Spirit for supernatural results. As you see how the Helper moved in the lives of the disciples and apostles, you'll begin to recognize the uniquely supernatural expressions of the Holy Spirit in your own daily life. Your faith will be encouraged as you discover how a Spirit-led life means Spirit-filled help, no matter what you may face.