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S.P. Morris; R. Laffineur Peeters Publishers (2007) Kovakantinen kirja
175,90 €
P.R. Graves-Morris; E.B. Saff; R.S. Varga Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG (1984) Pehmeäkantinen kirja
46,30 €
Thomas R. Dye; George C. Edwards; Morris P. Fiorina; Edward S. Greenberg; Paul C. Light; David B. Magleby; Martin P. Wattenberg (2009) Pehmeäkantinen kirja
31,80 €
U S Supreme Court; Morris P Glushien; Additional Contributors Gale, U.S. Supreme Court Records (2011) Pehmeäkantinen kirja
78,00 €
Breslin; John P; Macovsky; Morris S; David W. Taylor Model Basin
15,40 €
Epos. Reconsidering Greek Epic and Aegean Bronze Age Archaeology - Proceedings of the 11th International Aegean Conference / 11e
Table of Contents Preface and Acknowledgments List of abbreviations I. EPOS AND LOGOS: HOMER AND TROY - Malcolm WIENER, Homer and History: Old Questions, New Evidence - Marianna NIKOLAIDOU and Dimitra KOKKINIDOU, Epos, History, Metahistory in Aegean Bronze Age Studies - Maureen BASEDOW, Troy without Homer: the Bronze Age-Iron Age Transition in the Troad - Sarah P. MORRIS, Troy Between Bronze and Iron Ages: Myth, Cult and Memory in a Sacred Landscape II. EPOS AND EIKON: ART, POETRY AND WRITING - John YOUNGER, The Mycenaean Bard: The Evidence for Sound and Song - Robert LAFFINEUR, Homeric Similes: A Bronze Age Background? - Edmund F. BLOEDOW, Homer and the depas amphikypellon - L. Vance WATROUS, The Fleet Fresco, the Odyssey and Greek Epic Narrative - Andreas VLACHOPOULOS, Mythos, Logos and Eikon. Motifs of Early Greek Poetry in the Wall Paintings of Xeste 3 III. WANAX AND BASILEUS: RULERSHIP IN HOMER AND ARCHAEOLOGY - Pierre CARLIER, Are the Homeric Basileis ¿Big Men'? - Thomas G. PALAIMA, Mycenaean Society and Kingship: Cui Bono? A Counter-Speculative View - Bryan E. BURNS, Epic Reconstructions: Homeric Palaces and Mycenaean Architecture - Brendan BURKE, Gordion of Midas and the Homeric Age - Eric H. CLINE and Assaf YASUR-LANDAU, Poetry in Motion: Canaanite Rulership and Minoan Narrative Art at Tel Kabri IV. BEYOND ELITE: HOMERIC SOCIETY AND ARCHAEOLOGY - Kim S. SHELTON, Foot Soldiers and Cannon Fodder: The Underrepresented Majority of the Mycenaean Civilization - Helene WHITTAKER, Sacrificial Practice and Warfare in Homer and in the Bronze Age - Andrea GUZETTI, Homer and the Dorians: The Reasons For a Missed Encounter V. EPOS AND MYTHOS - Ernestine S. ELSTER, Odysseys Before Homer: Trade, Travel, and Adventure in Prehistoric Greece - Cynthia S. COLBURN, The Symbolic Significance of Distance in the Homeric Epics and the Bronze Age Aegean - Fritz BLAKOLMER, The Silver Battle Krater from Shaft Grave IV at Mycenae: Evidence of Fighting ¿Heroes¿ on Minoan Palace Walls at Knossos? - Massimo PERNA, Homer and the ¿Folded Wooden Tablets¿ VI. EPOS AND TOPOS: HOMERIC LANDSCAPES - Oliver DICKINSON, Aspects of Homeric Geography - Philip P. BETANCOURT, The Amnissos Cave: Poetry Meets Reality - Aleydis VAN DE MOORTEL, The Site of Mitrou and East Lokris in ¿Homeric Times¿ - Anne P. CHAPIN and Louise A. HITCHCOCK, Homer and Laconian Topography: This Is What the Book Says, and This Is What the Land Tells Us - Naya SGOURITSA, Myth, Epos and Mycenaean Attica: The Evidence Reconsidered