Shalender Bhasin; Henry L. Gabelnick; Jeffrey M. Spieler; Ronald S. Swerdloff; Christina Wang; Chuck Kelly John Wiley & Sons Inc (1996) Kovakantinen kirja 300,90 € |
Pharmacology, Biology, and Clinical Applications of Androgens - Current Status and Future Prospects Pharmacology, Biology, and Clinical Applications of AndrogensCurrent Status and Future Prospects Edited by Shalender Bhasin, Henry L. Gabelnick, Jeffrey M. Spieler,Ronald S. Swerdloff, Christina Wang, and Chuck Kelly As agents that affect the male primary and accessory sex organs,androgens--particularly the hormones testosterone andandrosterone--play a critical role in the development,functionality, and overall health of the male reproductive system.However, since androgens also have far-ranging effects onmetabolism, neurological activity, and behavior, scientistsexploring the contraceptive or therapeutic potential of androgensneed reliable, up-to-date information on the complex biologicalactivities of these agents. Pharmacology, Biology, and Clinical Applications of Androgens:Current Status and Future Prospects presents contributions fromleading investigators around the world, offering a focused,state-of-the-art summary of the central issues and controversies inandrogen research. The book is arranged into sections coveringandrogen physiology, androgens and the prostate, and theneurobehavioral and metabolic effects of androgens--as well astheir role in disease therapy and male contraception, and thevarious delivery systems for each application. Every chapter in thetext provides an expert opinion on a cutting-edge topic in thefield while highlighting the key points of dissent and disagreementwithin the scientific community. This approach is intended tofoster a deeper understanding of the status of androgen researchand lay the groundwork for future investigations in eacharea. This book explores such current topics as: * Androgen regulation of Sertoli cell function * Testosterone and spermatogenesis * Androgen effects on benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) andprostate cancer * Androgen effects on cognitive processes, sexual function, andaggressive behavior * Contraceptive efficacy of hormonal suppression of spermatogenesis * The latest transdermal and implantation delivery systems forandrogens Offering multifaceted coverage of the field, Pharmacology, Biology,and Clinical Applications of Androgens is an indispensable aid toall basic scientists and clinical investigators interested in thebiological actions of either natural or synthetic androgens.