A crucial topic in Catholic-Orthodox ecumenical dialogue is the natureand exercise of universal primacy in the church. In 1995, Pope JohnPaul II expressed the hope that pastors and theologians of both churchesmight seek ways in which the papal ministry could accomplish ""aservice of love recognized by all concerned"" (Ut Unum Sint). In thisshort and penetrating study, Paul McPartlan, a member of the internationalRoman Catholic-Orthodox theological dialogue, presents aproposal, carefully argued both historically and theologically, for a primacyexercising a service of love in a reconciled church, West and East.
McPartlan builds on the substantial foundation already laid in thedialogue for an understanding of the church in terms of the Eucharist.Eucharistic ecclesiology has been one of the most remarkable developmentsin the theological renewal of recent decades. Drawing particularlyon scriptural and patristic teaching, it offers a highly promising frameworkfor resolving this most sensitive and difficult of issues--recognizingthe bishop of Rome as the focal point and servant of the Eucharisticcommunion among bishops. Vatican II directed that those working forreconciliation between Catholics and Orthodox pay close attention to therelationships that pertained between the Eastern churches and the see ofRome before the split of 1054. McPartlan seeks to do just that, notably incorporatingthe teaching of the council on the role of the papacy to craft aproposal that may commend itself to Catholics and to Orthodox.
Paul McPartlan is Carl J. Peter Professor of Systematic Theology and Ecumenismat the Catholic University of America. He is a member of the International TheologicalCommission and the Joint International Commission for Theological Dialoguebetween the Roman Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church. A contributor to therecently published Theology Today: Perspectives, Principles, and Criteria by theInternational Theological Commission, McPartlan also is the author of The EucharistMakes the Church: Henri de Lubac and John Zizioulas in Dialogue and Sacrament of Salvation: An Introduction to Eucharistic Ecclesiology.