Addressing the needs of older people and their carers is an essential element of both policy and practice in the fields of health and social care. Recent developments promote a partnership and empowerment model, in which the notion of 'person-centred' care figures prominently. However, what 'person-centred' care means and how it can be achieved is far from clear.
Working with Older People and their Families combines extensive reviews of specialist literatures with new empirical data in an attempt at a synthesis of themes about making a reality of 'person-centred' care. Uniquely, it seeks to unite the perspectives of older people, family and professional carers in promoting a genuinely holistic approach to the challenges of an ageing society.
Working with Older People and their Families is recommended reading for students on health related courses such as nursing, medicine and the therapies. It is also of relevance to students of social work and social gerontology, researchers, managers and policy makers.