The Caring Spirit consists of 14 training modules designed to help care staff build meaningful relationships with the elders with whom they work. The modules teach caregivers how to refocus their energies away from just providing physical care to providing emotional/spiritual care that comes more from the heart. The promised outcome is that residents will receive higher quality care, staff will feel a greater sense of fulfillment from their work, and facilities will enjoy higher staff retention. Each of the 14 chapters contains an introductory section that provides background to the concept covered in the chapter. Each of these is followed by a 2-hour teaching module for training the concept to front-line staff. The training modules include outlines of expectations, interactive activities, handouts, and other teaching tools. Two-thirds of the book is for training professionals and paraprofessionals in long-term care settings. In the final third of the book, the information is modified for working with family caregivers - the expectation being that the same trainer can successfully teach these principles to both types of caregivers.
2006 National Mature Media Award (Bronze Award Winner) 2005 Human Resources and Aging Award from American Society on Aging and Brookdale Center