This is Betjeman's selection of his favourite hymns with full, witty and erudite commentary. The late poet laureate Sir John Betjeman was a National Treasure. His poems such as "Joan Hunter Dunn", "Phone for the Fishnives, Norman" and "Come on ye bombs and fall on Slough" gripped the public imagination and made him one of the most loved of English characters of the last century. His battles for the restoration and vindication of Victorian Architecture were life long. His two-volume "Collins Guide to the Parish Churches of England", "Wales and the Isle of Man" was a huge bestseller and remains in print to this day. His profound love for The Church of England was exemplified in his love for English hymn writers of whom he realised and advocated their historical as well as their liturgical and spiritual importance. Nowhere is this more evident than in the radio talks he gave to huge audiences on English hymns. These have been assembled here by one of Betjeman's greatest admirers, scholars and researcher - Stephen Games.