A compass can be used in many ways, from telling which way is North to finding hidden treasure or following an unmarked path over wilderness terrain. In any conflict, you have to get your bearings on what happened in order to best determine how to resolve the issue. Conflict is inevitable, and despite how many of us feel about it, conflict is not always a bad thing. The activities in Setting the Conflict Compass: Activities for Conflict Resolution and Prevention will help participants become aware of how they perceive and deal with conflict, while gaining tools and techniques for increasing collaboration, resolving disputes, and ultimately finding win/win resolutions to workplace and classroom conflicts. Having strategies for dealing with conflict are essential to healthy relationships. Setting the Conflict Compass explores these strategies and present a framework for conflict management. This framework can be described as an experiential learning approach for helping individuals understand the influence of contextual factors and perspective in conflict resolution and management.
Setting the Conflict Compass: Activities for Conflict Resolution and Prevention examines and discusses:
Assumptions about Conflict Experiential Activities for Conflict Resolution Recognizing Others' Points of View Methods to Resolve and Diminish Conflict Perspective Awareness Diversity Awareness