When Michaela McGuire was hired by a Federal MP eight months before the 2007 federal election, she didn't know exactly what to expect. She probably should have, because before that she had worked in the high-rollers room of a casino, and had overseen lap dances in a strip club. It would become another novelty job to add to her brief but colourful resume. This was a blog before it was a book. In addition to keeping meticulous notes about her experiences, throughout her career McGuire has learnt which areas of the female body are not allowed to be touched during a lap dance and what the most effective method of cleaning ashtrays is. She has waited tables to the Rocky soundtrack and acted as an adviser to a Federal Member of Parliament by suggesting that he ought to campaign for his seat rather than get his hair cut. After the election, she donned a fluorescent safety jacket and tried to convince residents of Melbourne's outer suburbs to switch to renewable power. Then a law firm hired her in a temporary capacity that required her to do nothing other than organise a senior partner's stamp collection. It should also be said that, whatever the contributing factors to her brilliant career, foresight was not one of them. It all sort of just happened.