Of the 424 bird species that have been recorded in Kansas, 208 are passerines, commonly known as songbirds or, more accurately, perching birds. They include most of the birds you'll see at your feeder, and many you won't: flycatchers, larks, swallows, jays and crows, titmice, wrens, thrushes, waxwings, wood warblers, blackbirds, tanagers, finches and others. All 208 species found in Kansas are discussed in ""Birds in Kansas, Volume II"". Illustrated with 199 photographs and 208 distribution and breeding range maps, this handbook provides a comprehensive treatment of the songbirds in the state. Written specifically for amateur birdwatchers and naturalists, both volumes of ""Birds in Kansas"" provide the reader with common and scientific names, distribution maps, photographs, and facts concerning reported occurrence, breeding habits, habitats, field marks (for identification), and food preferences.