Bronis R. de Supinski; Pedro Valero-Lara; Xavier Martorell; Sergi Mateo Bellido; Jesus Labarta Springer International Publishing AG (2018) Pehmeäkantinen kirja
I wish to welcome all of you to the International Symposium on High Perf- mance Computing 2000 (ISHPC 2000) in the megalopolis of Tokyo. After having two great successes with ISHPC’97 (Fukuoka, November 1997) and ISHPC’99 (Kyoto, May 1999), many people have requested that the symposium would be held in the capital of Japan and we have agreed. I am very pleased to serve as Conference Chair at a time when high p- formance computing (HPC) has a signi?cant in?uence on computer science and technology. In particular, HPC has had and will continue to have a signi?cant - pact on the advanced technologies of the “IT” revolution. The many conferences and symposiums that are held on the subject around the world are an indication of the importance of this area and the interest of the research community. One of the goals of this symposium is to provide a forum for the discussion of all aspects of HPC (from system architecture to real applications) in a more informal and personal fashion. Today we are delighted to have this symposium, which includes excellent invited talks, tutorials and workshops, as well as high quality technical papers.