Over the past 25 years, we have been on a journey to discover, describe and teach social skills. The modelpresented in this book has had many incarnations, from checklists, to diagrams, and even conceived as apicture frame one especially creative year! As we began conceptualizing the steps, we learned that each stepneeded to be broken down into still others, allowing the opportunity to analyze this task that is “being social”and support those for whom it does not come naturally. The “steps” are more of an escalator, ever moving andinfluenced by so much that happens within the day to day interactions of a real person’s life.
Creating the ""Foundation,” derived of the desire to understand and communicate the essence of what it meansto be “engaged” with another person, is one of the highlights of this process, and this guide. The Foundationcomponent of the model is currently being implemented as part of a research project related to Fetal AlcoholSyndrome in South Africa — affiliation of Stellenbosch University, University of North Carolina, and Universityof New Mexico. Marci Laurel uses this model extensively in her work in Russia, Nicaragua, and in her privatepractice (Theraplay in New Mexico).
Our goal is to address both a growing understanding of the nature of what it means to be in social relationshipwith others and how to “step on” to the learning process on any given day and over time. Indeed, as we havelearned from so many extraordinary teachers, the process can be exhilarating! It is our hope that people whohave an interest in promoting social skills – family members, teachers, therapists, and the individuals they careabout so deeply – will find Social Engagement and the Steps to Being Social to be a meaningful and practicalguide.