An understanding of the meaning of resilience assists us in making inferences as to why one individual reacts with psychological and physiological symptoms to an objectively minor incident when another individual may hold up under conditions that seem insupportable to well-being. Yet, few research studies have identified resilience from a diverse culture or subculture such as minority women involved in prostitution. Furthermore, women of color are more likely to be arrested & serve jail time although they represent a small number of women involved in prostitution. This study describes how and what minority women do to recover from the adversities of prostitution through the process of resilience. The following questions guide this scholarly work: What are the cultural care experiences,values, beliefs, meanings, and practices of resilience for minority women involved in street prostitution?- What are the actual or potential cultural influencers of street prostitution for minority women. This book is directed to professionals and researchers in community and public health such as nurses, social workers, health educators, and family counselors.