MOOCs or massive open online courses that can be attended by hundreds of thousands of students at the same time have become wildly popular in recent years, and have begun to gain traction with libraries as well. There are many potential roles for libraries in MOOCs including: development, support, assessment, modeling, teaching, and preservation. In MOOCs and Libraries, learn how you can utilize MOOCs for staff training, bibliographic instruction, supporting faculty curriculum, and more!
Readers of this start-to-finish guide to MOOC's in libraries will learn all about MOOC creation, from early stage planning, pedagogy, and equipment selection, to filming and launch, including:
·How to Choose Hardware and Software for Your MOOC ·Planning your first MOOC project ·Planning for a Library MOOC Video Project ·How to Develop MOOC Scripts ·Storyboarding ·Choosing a MOOC Filming Location ·How to create MOOCs for bibliographic instruction ·How to create MOOCs for staff training ·How to create video lectures and screencasts