Fifty percent of new teachers leave the profession within the first five years. Of those who stay, most go through periods of burnout.
Teachers everywhere start with high hopes of making a difference, but quickly get consumed with all of the unexpected demands, leaving them exhausted and wondering if this whole teaching thing was a good idea. While there are many books focused on curriculum and teaching techniques, Teacher’s Field Guide takes a unique approach by addressing the real-life needs of the teacher who is often left behind and rarely discussed by other books in the marketplace.
Teacher’s Field Guide is all about that “other stuff”. It offers tips, tools, and strategies to lessen the stress, and increase the joy in teaching.
It supports each teacher in seven important areas of their personal and professional lives:
Mindset Management Classroom Management Workload Management People Management Stress Management Self Management Big Picture Management Teachers will discover answers to questions such as:
How can I really make a difference when it’s so stressful? What is the simplest and easiest classroom management plan that really works? How do I have a life outside of school when the workload never ends? What is the secret to having great relationships with students, parents, administrators, and colleagues? What’s the deal with burnout? How do I know if I have it, and what should I do if it’s there? Teachers matter, and teachers deserve to be supported and encouraged while they lead our future generations. Teacher’s Field Guide is the personal support teachers everywhere have needed, and guarantees to help reverse the trend that 50% of new teachers quit within their first five years.