The changing safety legal standards and professional best practices affecting academic laboratories are efforts to match the rise of modern science's discoveries and applications. Unfortunately, teacher pre-service preparation and in-service professional development have not kept pace with these changes. This volume helps bridge the gap by raising awareness of safety issues and how to develop a safer learning and working environment in secondary schools. —Ken Roy on The NSTA Ready-Reference Guide to Safer Science
Safer science is a daily requirement for every teacher in every science classroom. Get up-to-date information from The NSTA Ready-Reference Guide to Safer Science, Volume 3. This volume is a collection of more than 40 quick-read ""Safer Science"" columns from The Science Teacher, NSTA's high school journal (plus some adaptable ""Scope on Safety"" columns from Science Scope, NSTA's middle school journal). As easy to read as it is practical, the book is chock-full of safety information, anecdotes, and advisories you can use every day.
The book covers a number of timely and important topics, such as systems to help prevent and control lab safety hazards, from eyewash showers to ventilation; standard operating procedures covering general safety precautions and safety in specific disciplines, such as biology, chemistry, Earth and space science, and physical science; personal protective equipment; and helpful safety-related NSTA position papers and internet resources.