This richly illustrated book tells the story of Christianity from its origins to the present day. Written by a team of scholars, all authorities in their fields, it spans 2000 years of colourful incident to give an uniquely authoritative history of Christianity for the general reader. Every aspect of the faith is explored. The introduction discusses Christian interpretations of the historical process, and the links and tensions between religious and artistic inspiration. The first section runs chronologically from the earliest Christian communities to 1800, and includes chapters on Eastern Christendom, Christianity and Islam, the Reformation, the Enlightenment, and the expansion of Christianity. The second section is divided by geographical area, and covers the period from 1800 to the present day. There are special studies of Britain and Europe, North America, South America, Africa, India, the Far East, and the Orthodox Churches of Eastern Europe. The final section 'Christianity Today and Tomorrow' considers questions of Christian theology, conscience and belief and explores new images of the Christian community, ending with a glimpse of the future of Christanity. Throughout, the book, reflects the changing world in which Christians have found themselves, and gives full weight to events and movements where the Christian response has been challenged and re-evaluated. There are over 350 illustrations, and 32 full colour plates, all specifically chosen to complement the broad-ranging text. Authoritative, comprehensive and highly readable, this book captures the richness and vitality of Christian art and thought in a wide variety of cultures and times.