One of the most important roles of today's Library Media Specialist is collaborating with teachers to design instruction. Out of his many years of experience in collaborating with teachers in a large public high school, the author describes this collaboration process and presents lessons in various disciplines to spark student inquiry. These reproducible lessons are immediately usable and will serve as prototypes for developing other lessons.
Research tells us that students learn in a variety of ways (visual, auditory, kinesthetic, etc.); one of the purposes of the book is to use the learning station approach to provide opportunities for students to learn via listening, viewing, reading, and touching. Grades 7-12.
One of the most important roles of today's Library Media Specialist is collaborating with teachers to design instruction. Out of his many years of experience in collaborating with teachers in a large public high school, the author offers this book to describe this collaboration process and presents lessons in various disciplines that can be used to spark student inquiry. These reproducible lessons are immediately usable and will serve as prototypes for developing other lessons.
Research tells us that students learn in a variety of ways (visual, auditory, kinesthetic, etc.); one of the purposes of the book is to use the learning station approach to provide opportunities for students to learn via listening, viewing, reading, and touching. Students also learn best when they can interact with the material and each other, and are stimulated by the activities. Therefore, the units contain a variety of learning methods such as listening to music and oral history, using computers for research and interaction, watching videos, reading books, and discussing articles with classmates. There are also a variety of suggested end products using different media. Grades 7-12.