Joan Golden Mandell; Linda Damon; Paul C. Castaldo; Eva S. Tauber; Lauretta Monise Guilford Publications (1989) Pehmeäkantinen kirja 39,30 € |
Group Treatment for Sexually Abused Children The treatment of sexually abused children between the ages of 7 and 12 present a unique clinical challenge. These victims are in the developmental phase of latency where post-traumatic discomfort and internal conflict are often manifested in self-destructive, sexually inappropriate, and aggressive behavior toward adults and peers. Often unresponsive to interventions that require direct verbal communication, these children need special therapeutic approaches to master feelings of shame, helplessness, responsibility, anger, and sadness, which are concomitant with sexual abuse and disclosure. Group treatment has been shown to be an important component of healing for these children.
This volume is the first book on the treatment of sexual abuse that is devoted exclusively to a group treatment approach. GROUP TREATMENT FOR SEXUALLY ABUSED CHILDREN considers the impact of sexual molestation and disclosure on latency-aged children and provides a step-by-step guide to a comprehensive program for victims and their non-offending caretakers. Establishing a therapeutic framework that enables both children and adults to deal with anxiety producing material, themes addressed in a sequence of progressive difficulty. More than a description of a program, this manual offers actual interventions to be used with children and their non-offending caretakers, including guidelines for anticipating and responding therapeutically to expected resistances.
The structured curriculum, which consists of ten modules, presents a variety of activities that assist children and adults to begin to identify and express their conflicts and feelings. Each module delineates the Purpose, Objectives, Therapeutic Considerations, Activities and Treatment Challenges for children and their caretakers. Each activity for children incorporates group topics for the caretakers' group which parallel the material presented in the children's group. This approach integrates the treatment, increasing the likelihood of a successful experience for the children. Illustrative case examples are offered to demonstrate how children and adults respond to the activities.
Unique features of this program include its attention to the important developmental tasks for children as well as the sequelae of sexual molestation; its respect for the ways in which boys and girls respond differently to sexual trauma; and its inclusion of over 40 original handouts for children and caretakers which may be photocopied for use in your practice.
An ideal resource, the structure and variety of original materials in this outstanding volume provide direction and focus for all therapists who are dedicated to the recovery of sexually abused children and their families. Further, many of the handouts are useful for individual and family treatment and, with some modifications, can also be used in work with adolescents.
As an added convenience, all the forms in this manual may be photocopied for use in your practice