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The definitive work on Dissolved Air Flotation Systems (DAF) for clarification of drinking water Dissolved Air Flotation for Water Clarification is a complete design and application source for the water industry divided into three parts:
The first develops a fundamental basis for understanding how the process works, and might be adapted to work better. The second provides a reference for design engineers, water operators, and water managers regarding applications where DAF might be incorporated in an overall treatment scheme. The third develops the necessary DAF design concepts and to illustrate them by description of practical applications.
Using DAF to remove particles is not only an important process for conventional drinking water plants, but may also be used as a pre-treatment process in membrane plants including reverse osmosis for water desalinization, and in water reuse applications.
Dissolved Air Flotation for Water Clarification offers:
Information on new applications of DAF in advanced water treatment, desalinization, water reuse, and industrial treatment in food, waste, and pulp and paper Detailed examples, including the world’s largest new DAF plant ever built – Croton, NY water treatment plant A single volume entirely devoted to DAF for drinking water clarification Coverage of conventional and pre-treatment processes SI and conventional units throughout