The papers in this volume were ?rstpresented at the International Round Table Time and Modality held in Paris in December of 2005 and organized by the Jeune ' Equipe B 368 Syntaxe anglaise et syntaxe comparative (Universite ' Paris3-Sorbonne Nouvelle) and by the Laboratoire de Linguistique Formelle (Centre National dela Recherche Scienti?que (CNRS) and UniversiteP ' aris 7). We wish to thank the institutions that provided ?nancial support for the Round Table: the CNRS, the Laboratoire de Linguistique Formelle,the Conseil Sci- ti?que(Universite 's Paris3 and Paris 7) and the Bureaudes Relations Internationales (UniversiteP ' aris3). vii Contents Preface ...vii Contributors ...xv Introduction ...1 1Tense ...2 2Aspect ...3 2. 1 Perfectand Perfectivity ...3 2. 2 Eventuality Type ...4 3 Modals and Modal Verbs ...5 3. 1 Subject/Speaker Orientation ...5 3. 2 The Temporal Location of Modal Verbs ...6 3. 3 The Temporal/Causal Function of Modal Verbs ...7 3. 4 The Temporal Syntax of Non-Root Modals ...8 3. 5 Weak Necessity Modals ...9 4 The Role of Past Morphology in Modal Contexts ...9 5 The Subjunctive ...10 6 Genericity ...11 7Copular Clauses ...11 8Conclusions and Open Problems...1 2 References ...14 Patterns in the Semantics of Generic Sentences ...17 Greg Carlson 1 The Setting ...17 2TheIssues ...18 3 Induction and Stipulation ...22 3. 1 Rules and Induction ...22 3. 2 What do Generic Sentencesdo? ...23 3. 3 Inductive Generalizations Again ...24 ix x Contents 4 Patterns ...25 4. 1 Patterns and Non-Patterns ...25 4. 2 Generic Sentences ...27 4. 3 Restriction ...