John D. Pickard; Nejat Akalan; Concezio Di Rocco; Vinko V. Dolenc; J. Lobo Antunes; J.J.A. Mooij; Johannes Schramm; Sindo Springer Verlag GmbH (2009) Kovakantinen kirja
John D. Pickard; Nejat Akalan; Concezio Di Rocco; Vinko V. Dolenc; J. Lobo Antunes; J.J.A. Mooij; Johannes Schramm; Sindo Springer Verlag GmbH (2010) Pehmeäkantinen kirja
John D. Pickard; Nejat Akalan; Vladimir Benes; Concezio Di Rocco; Vinko V. Dolenc; J. Lobo Antunes; Johannes Schramm; Sin Springer Verlag GmbH (2011) Kovakantinen kirja
John D. Pickard; Nejat Akalan; Vladimir Benes; Concezio Di Rocco; Vinko V. Dolenc; J. Lobo Antunes; Johannes Schramm; Sin Springer Verlag GmbH (2011) Kovakantinen kirja
John D. Pickard; Nejat Akalan; Vladimir Benes; Concezio Di Rocco; Vinko V. Dolenc; J. Lobo Antunes; Johannes Schramm; Sin Springer Verlag GmbH (2014) Pehmeäkantinen kirja
John D. Pickard; Nejat Akalan; Vladimir Benes; Concezio Di Rocco; Vinko V. Dolenc; J. Lobo Antunes; Johannes Schramm; Sin Springer Verlag GmbH (2014) Pehmeäkantinen kirja
J. D. Pickard; V. V. Dolenc; J. Lobo Antunes; H.-J. Reulen; M. Sindou; A. J. Strong; N. de Tribolet; C. A. F. Tulleken Springer Verlag GmbH (2002) Kovakantinen kirja
Nejat Akalan; Concezio Di Cuore Rocco; Vinko V. Dolenc; Rudolf Fahlbusch; J. Lobo Antunes; Marc Sindou; Nicol De Tribolet Springer Verlag GmbH (2004) Kovakantinen kirja
Nejat Akalan; Concezio Di Cuore Rocco; Vinko V. Dolenc; Rudolf Fahlbusch; J. Lobo Antunes; Marc Sindou; Nicol De Tribolet Springer Verlag GmbH (2010) Pehmeäkantinen kirja
J. D. Pickard; C. Di Rocco; V. V. Dolenc; R. Fahlbusch; J. Lobo Antunes; M. Sindou; N. de Tribolet; C. A. F. Tulleken Springer Verlag GmbH (2013) Pehmeäkantinen kirja
F. Cohadon; V. V. Dolenc; J. Lobo Antunes; H. Nornes; J. D. Pickard; H.-J. Reulen; A. J. Strong; N. de Tribolet; Tulleke Springer Verlag GmbH (2012) Pehmeäkantinen kirja
L. Symon; L. Calliauw; F. Cohadon; J. Lobo Antunes; F. Loew; H. Nornes; E. Pásztor; J. D. Pickard; A. J. Strong; Ya?arg Springer Verlag GmbH (2011) Pehmeäkantinen kirja
J. D. Pickard; C. Di Rocco; V. V. Dolenc; R. Fahlbusch; J. Lobo Antunes; M. Sindou; N. de Tribolet; C. A. F. Tulleken Springer Verlag GmbH (2003) Kovakantinen kirja
F. Cohadon; V. V. Dolenc; J. Lobo Antunes; H. Nornes; J. D. Pickard; H.-J. Reulen; A. J. Strong; N. de Tribolet; Tulleke Springer Verlag GmbH (1997) Kovakantinen kirja
F. Cohadon; V. V. Dolenc; J. Lobo Antunes; J. D. Pickard; H.-J. Reulen; M. Sindou; A. J. Strong; N. de Tribolet; Tulleke Springer Verlag GmbH (2000) Kovakantinen kirja
F. Cohadon; V. V. Dolenc; J. Lobo Antunes; J. D. Pickard; H.-J. Reulen; Marc Sindou; A. J. Strong; Nicolas de Tribolet Springer Verlag GmbH (2012) Pehmeäkantinen kirja
Advances and Technical Standards in Neurosurgery was conceived in 1972byitsfoundingfathersJeanBrihaye,BernardPertuiset,FritzLoew andHugoKrayenbuuhlatacombinedmeetingoftheItalianandGerman NeurosurgicalSocietiesinTaormina. Itwasdesignedtocomplementthe Europeanpost-graduatetrainingsystemforyoungneurosurgeonsandwas ?rst published in 1974 initially through sponsorship by the European AssociationofNeurosurgicalSocieties. Allcontributionshavebeenp- lishedinEnglishtofacilitateinternationalunderstanding. Theambitionofallsuccessiveeditorialboardshasbeentoprovidean opportunityformaturescholarshipandre?ection,notconstrainedbyar- ?ciallimitsonspace. Theseriesprovidesaremarkableaccountofprogress overthepast35years,bothwithregardtoadvances,detaileddescriptions of standard operative procedures and in- depth reviews of established knowledge. Thepresentvolumeisnoexceptionandshouldappealtoboth experiencedneurosurgeonsandyoungneurosurgeonsintrainingalike. TheEditors Contents Listofcontributors...XIII Advances Present and potential future adjuvant issues in high-grade astrocytic glioma 1,2 1 1 2 1 treatment. F. LEFRANC ,M. RYNKOWSKI,O. DEWITTE,andR. KISS, Department ofNeurosurgery,ErasmeUniversityHospital,FreeUniversityofBrussels(U. L. B. ), 2 Brussels,Belgium, LaboratoryofToxicology,InstituteofPharmacy,FreeUniversity ofBrussels(U. L. B. ),Brussels,Belgium Abstract...4 Introduction...5 Naturalresistanceofmigratingmalignantgliomacellstoapoptosis (radiotherapyandchemotherapy)...6 Patternsofcelldeath...8 Autophagy:apotentialTrojanhorseformalignantgliomas...11 Therapeuticbene?tsoftemozolomide...13 Localtherapiesforglioblastomas...15 Ongoingclinicaltrialsforglioblastomas...16 Growthfactorreceptorinhibitors ...17 PI3K=Akt,mTORandNF- Binhibitors...17 Matrixmetalloproteinase(MMP)inhibitors(MMPI)...18 Angiogenesistargeting ...19 Cellularandvaccinationtherapies...20 Genetherapy...20 Reducingmalignantgliomacellmotilityinordertorestore pro-apoptoticdrugsensitivity...20 Thesodiumpumpconstitutesapotentialtargettocombat malignantgliomas...21 Thesodiumpump...22 Cardiotonicsteroids:ligandsofthesodiumpump...24 VIII Contents Thesodiumpumpisinvolvedincancercellproliferation, migrationanddeath...24 Braintumorstemcellsapotentialtargettocombatmalignantgliomas...26 Conclusions...27 References...2 8 Deepbrainstimulationforpsychiatricdisorders-stateoftheart. T. E. SCHLA APFER and B. H. BEWERNICK, Brain Stimulation Group, Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy,UniversityHospitalBonn,GermanyandDepartmentsofPsychiatry andMentalHealth,TheJohnsHopkinsUniversity,MD,USA Abstract...37 Introduction...38 Historyofdeepbrainstimulation...39 PrinciplesofDBS...40 NeurobiologyofdepressionandOCD...41 Neurobiologyofdepression...41 NeurobiologyofOCD...42 StudiesofDBSandpsychiatricdisorders...43 Problemsintargetselection...43 Targetsindepression...43 TargetsinOCD ...46 SafetyandadvantagesofDBS...47 EthicalaspectsandstandardsinDBS...51 Ethicalconsiderations...51 ThepathtowardsmandatorystandardsforDBSinpsychiatricdisorders...52 Conclusions...53 ThefutureofDBS...54 References...54 Standards High?owextracranialtointracranialvascularbypassprocedureforgiantan- rysms:indications,surgicaltechnique,complicationsandoutcome. H. C. PATEL and P. J. KIRKPATRICK, Department of Academic Neurosurgery, Addenbrooke's Hospital,UniversityofCambridge,Cambridge,UK Abstract...61 Introduction...62 Surgicaltechnique...67 Cranialexposure...69 Cervicalexposure...70 Saphenousveinexposure...71 Preauriculartunnel...7 2 Contents IX Anastamoses...73 Distalanastamosis...73 Externalcarotidanastamosis...74 Closureandpostoperativecare...77 Discussion...77 Comparisonofoutcomes...77 Choosingthetypeofgraft...78 Longtermpatencyofgrafts...79 Ischaemiccomplications...79 Anticoagulationrelatedmorbidity...81 Conclusion...