There are a wide variety of leadership development opportunities available to academic and research librarians. The 18 programs studied in this book provide a diverse array of possibilities for those contemplating attending or implementing an academic leadership development program. The final chapters compile the 18 programs into one research study and draw some conclusions that facilitate a better understanding of issues in creating leaders in academic and research libraries. Each program chapter explores the history, curriculum, leadership theories, and author-participant perspectives on that program. Some include a study of past participants’ perceptions of the program’s effectiveness in developing leadership, or a longitudinal look at career trajectories, while others include a case study of the application of program concepts.
Edited by Irene M. H. Herold and with a foreword by Maureen Sullivan, this work explores whether leadership development programs develop leadership, the value of attending a leadership development program, and what a participant can reasonably expect, and ought never expect, if they attend a particular program. Whether contemplating attending a program, developing a program, or just wanting to know what others consider essential theories or activities for personal leadership development, this book provides an informative look into a variety of approaches to creating academic and research library leaders. Creating Leaders: An Examination of Academic and Research Library Leadership Institutes is #69 in the ACRL Publications in Librarianship monographic series.